Camper & Nicholsons, with its in-house Crew Coach Alison Rentoun, has launched the second in its series of virtual online leadership courses - the ‘Dream Teams’ training package.
The online crew coaching programme provides captain and crew with all-important education on people management, communication and personal performance. The resource has been designed to develop leadership skills and, with the help of Rentoul, has been designed and adapted to the realities of working in the superyacht industry.
The package comprises four modules (‘Creating the blueprint for success’, ‘Sourcing the parts’, ‘During the interview’ and ‘Construction’), covering the optimum operation of your crew, discerning the gaps in a team and getting the most out of crew agencies, interview techniques and assembling an ideal crew. Each module comes with video training and exercises to aid practical applications of the lessons learned in each captain’s or crewmember’s specific working environment. Those taking the online course will also have the option to interact with Rentoul online while taking the course.
The online training package is available for free to all captains of Camper & Nicholsons managed yachts and charter yachts.
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